Al Slvester, 49, teaching assistant and former RAF mountaineer, tells us about his life with food

Do you cook a lot yourself? What is your failsafe dish?

I share the home cooking with my wife Clare, but my failsafe dish is chicken satay.

Where do you like to eat out? How often?

Any restaurant where I receive good service and food. I go out at least once a month.

What do you always hope to find on a menu? For starter? Main course? Dessert?

Meat feast platter to share, sirloin steak and chocolate cake with ice cream.

Which foods did you hate as a child?

Cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower cheese.

What is your favourite drink? Alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

Red wine and fresh orange with juicy bits.

Marmite: yes or no?

Absolutely NOT!

What is your guilty pleasure when it comes to food... something you know you shouldn’t eat, but do anyway?

Chocolate and crisps.

You are on your own at home watching a film. What is you snack of choice?

Chilli peanuts.

You’re are eating a bacon sandwich...ketchup, brown sauce or nothing at all?
