A BOOK is being compiled to help bridge the gap between young and old people in Swindon – and your help is needed.

Danielle Brown, founder of the Youth Life Project, a charity which aims to show troubled young people practical ways of dealing with their problems, is constructing the book titled Our Story.

It is part of the YouthStories campaign, set up by the Youth Life Project, and requires the public to submit real-life short stories, poetry and artwork that tell stories about their youth.

Once the book is published, profits will be used to support the project.

Danielle, 28, of Park South, said: “The book will help bridge that gap between young and old, show we all experience problems, and that someone out there has been through similar situations.

“The stories from older people will show the youth how they have dealt with things, and provide young people with a platform to have their voice.

“The book is all about having the freedom to express yourself.”

Some of the stories for the book received so far relate to incidents of abuse, domestic violence, poverty, health, bullying, peer pressure and sexual abuse.

Danielle said: “We understand the power of storytelling and the burden it can lift for those who have something to get off their chest. Storytelling has taken many forms throughout the ages and we want to embrace as many of these as possible and evoke a range of emotions in the reader.

“It seems as though there is a disconnection between young people and adults.

“Our Story will help bridge that gap and show we all experience problems and that someone out there has been through similar situations.

“We hope this book makes a difference in at least one person’s life. Ideally the book will encourage others to speak out and tell their story.

“We hope the book will have a positive effect in many ways and on many lives and you have the chance to be part of that.”

To be considered for inclusion in Our Story, email entries to youthlifeproject@gmail.com Your entry can take the form of a letter, a short story, artist impression, case study, newspaper article, comic strip, a poem or however you best express your feelings. Your entry must include a title, your age and must be true.

For further information about the Youth Life Project, or information on how you can be involved, email danielletylp@gmail.com