TRIPLE jump Olympian Vernon Samuels paid a visit to Churchfields Academy last week to inspire and mentor students.

The visit was part of the Sky Sports’ Living For Sport programme.

Vernon, who beat triple jumper Jonathan Edwards in the 1988 Seoul Olympics, spent the day tutoring Year 7, Year 8 and Year 11 pupils and even took part in a lunchtime game of basketball.

In the morning Vernon took a workshop on triple jump, and demonstrated his record jump.

PE teacher Sarah Gregory said: “It was brilliant. It was my project to encourage 10 Year 7 girls to get involved with football and this was a kind of reward for them.”

Sarah also hoped that the session would encourage more girls to join the football team at a time where fewer girls are participating in sport.

Vernon also led an extra session on teamwork for Year 11s.

Mark Oliver, the head of PE at Churchfields, signed up to the Living For Sport programme last September.

“Vernon gave us some good ideas and was really encouraging,” he said.

“The idea is that they revisit the school every six months or so to see the progress.”