STAFF and children at Vorda Pre School in Highworth are celebrating after achieving an outstanding Ofsted report.

The early years provision, which operates out of the British School Building, looks after 44 children and was judged as good overall by Ofsted inspectors when they visited last month.

They were also praised as outstanding for their contribution to the wellbeing of the children.

Linda Cowley, manager at the Vorda Pre School, said: “We are extremely proud with the outcome of the Ofsted inspection and to be awarded an outstanding for the contribution to the wellbeing we provide here at the nursery.

“It’s a result of all the hard work put in by the staff and by the children here at the nursery.

“We will also be working towards improving our consistency and extending the learning opportunities for children as well as improving out outdoor environment.”

Inspectors said: “The well-resourced environment and knowledgeable staff supports children’s development well and promotes their growing independence skills.

"This is especially important as children become older and prepare to move into school. Staff focus on building the confidence and skills children need to flourish and adapt to change.

"As a result, children are both emotionally and socially ready for their move to school when the time comes.”