DOZENS of children and their parents descended on St Barnabas Churc to learn more about Christianity, while having a bit of fun.

The Gorse Hill Church held a Messy Church event on Saturday morning for families to take part in art and craft activities and have a spot of lunch.

This theme revolved around the story of Noah’s Ark, and children spent the morning getting messy and having fun.

Brenda Young, who organises Messy Church at St Barnabas, said: “Messy Church is a way of encouraging people to know more about Christianity by doing crafts and talking about God and Christ and having fun at the same time, rather than sitting like soldiers in a row.

“On Saturday we made crafts of animals, and we had jelly arks with marshmallows. We also built an ark with Lego and a collage of an ark.

“We also had a couple of people dress up as Noah and the other characters and we sang Who Built The Ark? as well.

“It was busy and it was very messy. Then we had lunch together.

“It’s very popular. We have had as many as 70 people, children and parents, come along before and we regularly have around 60 people. On Saturday we had 45 people.”

To find out more or to find a Messy Church, visit www.
