A BREAKFAST and after-school club has been rated as ‘good’ by inspectors after a recent visit.

The Big Adventure Club, at Shaw Ridge, which is one of 11 clubs owned by the company and is based at Shaw Ridge Primary School, was awarded the grade after inspectors visited on January 16.

The education watchdog particularly praised the friendly and welcoming environment created by he staff, and the understanding of the needs of the children demonstrated by staff.

Tracey Hicks, director of the Big Adventure Club (Shaw Ridge), said: “We’re really happy that we have been awarded a ‘good’.

“We have been outstanding in the past but it’s always good to find out you have done well.

“I know that the staff have worked really hard and it’s great recognition for them, and I do think it’s down to the good rapport we have with the parents.

In the report, inspectors particularly praised staff’s skills and talents while working with children.

They said: “Staff provide a good range of activities which complement children’s school day and promote their learning and development. Staff support and encourage children in their play and this contributes well to children’s learning.

“Staff promote children’s emerging literacy skills by encouraging them to add their ideas for future activities to the posters displayed. Children are keen to be involved in the activities and are well prepared for their future learning.

“Children have some opportunity to learn about the wider world through discussion with staff and craft activities. They also occasionally visit the local park where they enjoy using the large equipment.

“Staff support children well when they start and help them feel secure as they develop positive relationships with their key person. Children’s behaviour is good.

“They cooperate well with each other because the staff instil good manners and appropriate boundaries.

“Children develop a good level of independence as they choose what they would like to play with and help clear away the toys.

“Children are encouraged to take responsibility for managing their personal hygiene and staff have placed helpful reminders in the toilet area regarding hand washing.”

But inspectors also said that before the provision could be rated as outstanding, more needed to be done to give children opportunities to learn more about the wider community.

Tracey said: “We are going to try to get more guest speakers in to talk to the children as part of us making more improvements towards being outstanding.”

To view to results of the report for yourself online, visit http://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/inspection-reports/find-inspection-report/provider/CARE/EY400995.