Chef Russell Hunt, Marsh Farm Bungalow, Coped Hall, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon SN4 8ER

SPRING lamb, also known as early lamb, ranges between three and five months old. It is very tender and has a much lighter flavour than older lambs, which come closer to the summer period.

Most people will just roast a leg of lamb this Easter Sunday which always goes down well, but I would like to suggest an alternative which is a little cheffy, but which it actually requires less time and prep than preparing a huge roast for the family.

So here’s my recipe for cutlet of spring lamb, sautéed Jersey royals (which have also just come into season) minted peas, wilted spring greens and rosemary jus. It serves four.

1x 8 bone rack of spring lamb French trimmed 500g of Jersey royals 250g peas (frozen is fine) 4 sprigs of fresh mint 1 sprig of rosemary 1 bunch spring greens 150g unsalted butter 1 ltr beef stock 200ml white wine 100ml port Salt and pepper 2 cloves garlic l Prepare the lamb cutlets by French trimming and cutting into four even portions (most supermarkets will stock French trimmed lamb but I suggest going to your local butcher — the meat will be better quality and he will do all the prep for you).

  • Wash any dirt off the Jersey royals then place in a pan of salted cold water, with one clove of crushed garlic and two sprigs of mint. Place on the stove over a medium heat and cook until just soft, strain from water and leave to cool until needed.
  •  Place an oven proof pan over a high heat with a little olive oil. Season your cutlets. Once the pan is hot, seal off your meat on all sides being careful not to burn it. Once you have done this, place the cutlet, resting on its fat side, into a preheated oven at 170 degrees (160 fan) cook for nine minutes or, if you have a meat thermometer, cook to medium rare.
  •  Remove from the oven and leave to rest covered with an oven cloth (this will allow your meat to relax whilst still holding its core temperature).
  •  Now de-glaze the pan with the wine and port, add your stock and remaining garlic and rosemary, reduce the liquid by 2/3 then whisk in 50g of cold butter.
  •  Cut the potatoes in half, length ways,then place into a hot pan with butter and olive oil. Fry until golden brown and season well.
  •  Blanch your greens and peas in separate pans, finish the peas with chopped mint and the greens with the last of your butter.
  •  Serve, enjoy and watch the people around your table drool over your masterpiece.

    Pictured is a similar version we currently serve at the restaurant — cutlet of spring lamb, glazed sweetbreads, minted peas, Jersey royal and heritage vegetable galette, wild garlic oil, wye valley asparagus and rosemary jus.