FOUR Romanian men have been found living and working in squalor at the former Trinity Church in Groundwell Road.

The building, which is currently being renovated and is described as dangerous, has now been closed down.

The men were found during a visit by Swindon Town Centre Neighbourhood Policing Team and staff from the Human Exploitation Unit at Wiltshire Police and the Health and Safety Executive.

They went to the building, which is undergoing renovations, following a report from a member of the public.

Four Romanian men were found living inside the building, which was described by HSE inspectors as being ‘immediately dangerous’.

As a result, a prohibition was placed on the building and the company carrying out the renovation work was told to cease working.

The four Romanian men were offered assistance by the Human Exploitation Unit and further enquiries are being made by the HSE.

Sergeant David Ibbott, of the town centre NPT, said: “Wiltshire Police are firmly against any type of exploitation, whether it be by economic choice or unscrupulous employers holding people against their will, in particular against those people from deprived areas of Europe.

“This site was particularly dangerous.

"These migrant workers were living within the construction site because no other accommodation is offered to them, and they were exposed to live electrics, unsafe flooring on the upper floor level, and generally very poor and dirty living conditions.

"We offered them help with regards to being victims of human trafficking/exploitation but they declined this offer unfortunately.

"The workers were told to quit the premises immediately and were due to be collected by their bosses from London. HSE are dealing with the investigations into safety standards.

“This is not the first case we have seen where unscrupulous out of town building companies have been using cheap and foreign labour to renovate buildings in Swindon.

"A couple of months ago, the old Co-Op store in Cricklade Road was shut down while being renovated into flats, when 12 Romanians were found living on the site in similar poor and dangerous conditions.

"On each occasion, the HSE has closed the site down for being dangerous.

“I would urge any member of the public to contact us with any information on similar incidents by calling 101. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be left anonymously if preferred."