Edoardo Tatangelo, 27, manager of Rustico

Do you cook a lot yourself? What is your failsafe dish?

Yes, I love cooking. My failsafe dish is fish baked in the oven.

Where do you like to eat out? How often?

I don't eat out very often. It's hard for me to find a place which I really like. I prefer to go out less but go to better places with higher standards once or twice a month.

What do you always hope to find on a menu? For starter? Main course? Dessert?

Scallops or something fancy like beef tartare, then nice lamb or veal ( if they don't have any then a whole fresh fish)

I don't really eat dessert but I can't resist fruit tart.

Which foods did you hate as a child? Do you eat them now?

I used to hate spinach, mushroom and snails. I love them now.

What is your favourite drink? Alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

Water. It doesn't change the flavour of the food and it's more or less the only drink I have.

When I go for dinner I'll have a glass of wine.

Marmite: yes or no?


What is your guilty pleasure when it comes to food... something you know you shouldn’t eat, but do anyway?

Dessert (I can eat a whole bowl of trifle on my own) but don't tell anyone!

You are on your own at home watching a film. What is you snack of choice?

Unfortunately I am very strict with what I eat. No snacks.

You’re eating a bacon sandwich...ketchup, brown sauce or nothing at all?

Brown sauce.