Q My husband is too embarrassed to ask this himself, but he wants to learn to swim. He recently retired and we’d love to do more travelling, but he really wants to learn to swim before we go. He’s afraid that, if he joins a class, there will be him and a load of children. I’ve told him there are adult classes, but he doesn’t believe me! Can you advise? Y. O.

Fiona says: I can do better than that, I can tell him where to find classes.

He’s not the only adult, by any means, that has missed out on learning to swim as a child. So much so, there are schemes all over the country to help people like him.

Go to the Amateur Swimming Association website (swimming.org.uk) where you can find the nearest class by putting your postcode into the “Pool Finder”.

There is a special icon that shows where the adult learners’ classes are. It may not be in your nearest local pool, but it won’t be that far away.

There are also intensive courses for those with a holiday deadline to meet.

Q I am 14 and beginning to think I must be a lesbian. I’ve never been attracted to any of the boys I meet - not like my friends seem to be. I’m not attracted to any girls either, but at least I like some of them. I can’t talk to anyone about this as I’m too embarrassed. C. K.

Fiona says: Not being attracted to the boys you meet doesn’t make you a lesbian.

Whilst most people are attracted, at some point in their lives, to one sex or another, some people are attracted to both and some feel no attraction for either.

In other words, there’s a whole range of feelings you could have and, at 14, it may be that you’re simply not ready yet to feel something one way or another.

I wouldn’t mind betting that some of the girls around you who talk about boys as being attractive don’t feel that much at all. They could well be doing it to make other people think they’re more mature and grown up than they actually feel.

Don’t put yourself under pressure; just be content to remain uncommitted until such time as you feel ready, whichever way that takes you.