THE process to find a joint venture partner to take on the lease for Lydiard House and Park has begun.

Adverts have been placed in trade journals and newspapers inviting organisations to submit proposals as Swindon Borough Council seeks to make the popular attractions more sustainable.

Independent property advisor Bilfinger GVA has been appointed to identify partners for the public-owned park with a view to reducing the council’s annual subsidy of £450,000.

The council has already leased part of Lydiard to tree top adventure company Jungle Parc and regularly hires out the park for events, while the Lydiard House Conference Centre could also form the basis of potential proposals with the current lease due to expire next year.

Lydiard House and Park, which has been listed as an Asset of Community Value, will remain in council ownership and any proposals arising from the market testing will be brought before ward councillors and park users in the coming months.

When these proposals were first announced there were a lot of fears about what it would mean for the long-term access, with many fearing it will lead to the introduction of car parking charges.

The Council will be seeking expressions of interest from national, commercial and not-for-profit organisations as well as local community groups before the December 11 deadline.

Two engagement events at the visitor centre so that park users can give their views on what elements of the park are important to them.

They will take place on November 18 between 8.30am and 3pm and November 22 between 9.30am and 3.30pm.

Councillor Garry Perkins (Con, Haydon Wick), the cabinet member responsible for Lydiard, said: “We have to make Lydiard pay for itself which is why we are asking if the market can come up with some commercial solutions to help achieve this goal.

“We want to enhance the park for the people of Swindon and this process will hopefully provide some exciting opportunities that will make Lydiard even better. I would also like to encourage members of the public to take part in the engagement events we are holding so we can take their views into account when assessing the proposals.”

David Creamore, Director in Retail, Hotels and Leisure at Bilfinger GVA, said: “We are delighted to have been instructed by Swindon Borough Council to identify and secure exciting proposals for the development and enhancement of this historic property and grounds.”

Organisations are being invited to respond by expressing an interest by contacting either David Creamore on 0207 227 2155 or or Gavin Brent on 0207 227 2228, email

Residents or users who cannot make any of the engagement events can email in their views via: