A 30-YEAR-OLD woman who went on a stealing spree in the town centre to fund her crack cocaine addiction has been given one last chance by magistrates to redeem herself.

Kathleen Shiel, 30, of Kembrey Street, appeared before magistrates sitting in Swindon on Friday to face 12 offences in total

Shiel admitted to eight counts of theft from various shops with goods totalling £887.92, two counts of failing to surrender to police bail, one count of threatening a security guard at Asda and one count of a dwelling theft where she stole a mobile phone, a cordless house phone, credit card and £25 cash from a man she helped into his house after he fell over outside.

Prosecuting, Keith Ballinger told the court how during one attempted theft, Shiel threatened to injure the security guard trying to stop her walking away with designer handbags from TK Maxx.

He added: “The security guard followed her out of the store after seeing her pick up items and after he tried to recover the handbags, she told him that if he didn’t let her go, she would stab him with a needle. Shiel then placed her hand in her pocket and pulled out a plastic fork instead.”

The court heard how Shiel funds her £100-a-day crack cocaine addiction by stealing goods and it was an incident in the family late last year that saw Shiel spiral out of control with her drug habit.

She had remained committed to staying clean since she her last appearance at court last February for assault.

Defending Shiel, Mark Glendenning told the court his client was sorry about the theft spree and pleaded with magistrates to give her the opportunity to clean up her act with the probation service.

“She has been battling a problem with drugs for a long time," he said.

“I understand that she sells the items online for a fraction of the value in order to buy drugs.

“There was a long period of time where she had been successfully controlling her drug problem and I hope you can appreciate that no one chooses to be a drug addict.

“It is not an easy problem to address but she accepts that she needs help.

“She hopes the help will give her the opportunity to have her children again.”

Magistrates retired to reach their verdict and decided to impose an eight-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months.

Chairman of the bench Sally Matthews told Shiel that she must also take part in a Drug Rehabilitation Requirement and complete 20 days in a rehabilitation programme.

She must also pay £73 to Asda, £159 to Tesco, £52 to Lloyds Pharmacy and £250 to B&Q as well as £100 compensation and £85 court costs.