ALL ten of the General Election candidates standing in North and South Swindon took to the stage at the Wyvern Theatre last night for the Adver’s Question Time event.

For the first time every candidate sat on the same panel to face quickfire questions put forward by the audience on health, education and fox hunting. But the question that foxed them all most was when they were asked what policies of their own party they didn’t agree with.

Earlier the candidates faced readers’ questions in a more traditional format as the five hopefuls from each constituency answered questions suggested by Adver readers and put to them by editor Gary Lawrence.

In front of an occasionally boisterous audience they fielded questions on regenerating the town, Brexit, national security, education the plight of small businesses and social care.

The event was live blogged by Adver reporter Tom Howarth and can be seen here

Gary said: “It was a lively debate and I think all the candidates enjoyed it. It was particularly fun at the end with all of them on stage.

“We are extremely grateful to all of the candidates for taking the time out of their schedule just a few days before polling and also to the fantastic staff at the Wyvern for all their hard work in putting on the event for us.

"Local democracy is so important and they certainly played their part tonight.”

  • Read Chris Humphreys’ report of the evening in tomorrow’s Advertiser