The Swindon Mindful Employer Network is to hold its big 2018 conference at the Swindon Marriott in October.

Inspiring Mental Wellness in the Workplace will feature inspirational speakers and highly relevant topics on how to improve mental health and wellbeing for employees – and once again this year the Swindon Marriott will be supporting the network event.

David Latham, who leads the business network, says this will also be a celebration: “This network has been active since 2008 and we have been amazed by its growth and growing reputation in the area. Mental health is now on the agenda for boardrooms and workplaces and I believe we have played a part in highlighting these important matters locally.” Frances Mayes of Public Health at Swindon Borough Council which has funded the network since it started, believes this conference will inspire a better understanding of wellbeing at work.

She said: “A lot of hard work has gone into encouraging a positive climate to discuss mental health at work among local employers in Swindon and we are keen to spread best practice to all business sectors. Employees are an important asset and looking after their mental health and wellbeing is a cost-effective way of improving retention, productivity and reducing presenteeism. This conference will address some of these important workplace issues while providing a platform for business people to share their own personal experiences and challenges. It should be an interesting and exciting event to attend!”

Among the top speakers already booked to appear will be TV and radio regular Dr Stuart Farrimond who will be talking to Graham Seaman of BBC Wiltshire about his own challenges with physical and mental health issues. Oliver Chittenden, the founder of Head Talks, and director of the London Speaker Bureau will share the platform with Geoff McDonald the former Vice President of Unilever and mental health campaigner.

The network welcomes back the leading psychologist, counsellor and inspirational speaker Mandy Rutter who will talk about the science of stress, resilience and mental health. Another return visit by the UK Lead for Mindful Employer Richard Frost who recently was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s birthday honours.

Aimee Cain who is Occupational Health and Wellbeing Manager at Thames Water will present a best practice session and Kal Pumphrey an occupational health specialist will give some reflections regards the 10 years of the Swindon Mindful Employer Network.

Joining the conference will be Frances Mayes and Charlie Paradise of Public Health, Hazel Howe of Swindon and Gloucestershire Mind and South Swindon MP Robert Buckland who is also HM Solicitor General. The event will be chaired by Melanie Richens of the UK College of Personal Development and the Mayor of Swindon will be guest of honour.

Holly Angelinetta, Hotel Manager of the Swindon Marriott, says: “The Swindon Mindful Employer Network was officially launched at the Swindon Marriott and we have been strongly associated ever since. It’s a great success for the town and we believe it fulfils an increasingly relevant role in the commercial life of the area. Mental wellness at work is a key contributor to success for every employer and we look forward to the next 10 years.”

This Swindon network is hosted by Swindon and Gloucestershire Mind and funded by Public Health at Swindon Borough Council.

Places for this event are available for representatives of employers in the Swindon and surrounding area only. Booking is essential.

For more information about teh conference which takes place on October 8 visit