SMELLY and overflowing dog poo bins at Lydiard Park are causing frustration.

Kim Greaves visits the dog-walking hotspot regularly with her Cocker Spaniel and is worried the full bins – and lack of alternatives – are becoming a problem. 

She says as most of the bins are towards the back of the park it means a long stretch of the route doesn’t have any at all – so one in particular gets used frequently.

Kim said: “I went to the park and a week later the bins were still full and there was rubbish on the floor, it hadn’t improved.”

The 61-year-old, from Grange Park, thinks the council-run park is also lacking in ordinary waste bins as people are putting their coffee cups from the café in those marked for dog poo – making the problem worse.

“It’s dog owners being irresponsible when they could carry it home as it’s in everyone’s best interests to keep the park clean,” said Kim.

“As a dog walker, I would carry it to the next one but I suppose some people are protesting by putting it in an already full bin. If the bins are full people may lob stuff into the woods.”

She added: “We have a strong community of dog walkers and we look out for each other. At least it’s showing there is strong dog poo picking-up and it’s not being left for kids to stand in. 

"With the warm weather coming, it will start to smell too."

Kim hopes more bins are put in the park, especially with the increasing number of people using the space in lockdown. With restrictions easing soon and groups allowed to meet outside, more people will be making use of the outdoor space. 

She added: “Just give us more bins, they used to be collected three times a week but there has been no collection. If the person collecting it is off, maybe it doesn’t happen but it shouldn’t be allowed to get this bad.” 

“It’s down to the general public to use common sense and decency but the council need to take responsibility to ensure there are sufficient bins. I agree people should take it home but it should be emptied because it’s an eyesore. That’s what upset me the most is it’s too beautiful to spoil.” 

A Swindon Borough Council spokesperson said: “Lydiard Park is one of the borough’s most popular country parks and is the ideal place for local people to come and walk their dogs. As such we collect a lot of dog poop from responsible dog owners who dispose of it in the many bins dotted around the park.

“Unfortunately, we did have collection issues over the past couple of weeks which meant we were unable to empty all the bins as we would normally. We’re pleased to report this has now been resolved and the bin emptying cycle is back to normal.”

“We will be adding more general rubbish bins which can also take bagged dog waste but, in the meantime, park users should use another bin if the nearest is full or take their rubbish home.”