Have you, like so many others, been looking for a way to reduce your energy usage but didn’t know how?

Well, good news.

A solution could present itself to you later this year.

Britain could face energy blackouts this winter where power could be cut to your home leaving you saving on your energy bill.

Also leaving you sat in the cold and dark. You won’t be able to heat food, have warm water or watch TV, which means if they time it during Hollyoaks it’ll actually be an improvement.

The National Grid, the company responsible for the UK's gas and electricity supply, said there might not be enough power for the country if the energy crisis continues.

You know what we’re like as a nation; as soon as we are told something might run out, the idiots of the land run out and get more of it, making the supply and demand balance even worse.

When there were about four petrol stations that didn’t have a refill it sparked a panic that led to two weeks of queuing up for fuel.

Everyone was struggling to get petrol, apart from Holly and Phil who probably found a way.

With a warning of blackouts this winter there are probably some idiots turning on the heating now to try and stockpile some warmth for December.

It’s not just the threat of blackouts, there are some other measures being brought in.

Households will be paid to use their appliances at night when demand is low.

One article mentioned £10 to put your washing machine on in the middle of the night.

Sounds good. I don’t think I’d put the clothes in it as I wouldn’t want to have to get up at 3:54 to hang them on the airer but I’ll put the machine on if it helps.

You can only get the £10 if you have a smartmeter.

I hope that doesn’t mean they’ll use the smartness of your meter to shut off your electricity and gas as part of the blackout.

I’d hate it if those conspiracy theorists were right.

There are some anonymous people on the internet I’ll owe an apology to.

I know that I am being flippant about the prospect of power blackouts.

I have never lived through anything like this.

I remember power cuts when I was young but back then we didn’t have many things that plugged into the wall. These days everything is WiFi enabled.

I feel safe though.

For years now my partner has been obsessively buying scented candles and I’ve never seen her burn one so we must be well stocked by now.