IT'S that time of year when we make all sorts of promises to ourselves to improve our lives, health and happiness.

Whether it's losing weight and laying off the sweets, fast food or alcohol, to finding a new job or making time for a hobby, we often start the year with the best of intentions.

Some of us see them through, others fall by the wayside.

We asked readers what their New Year resolutions were for 2023, from the realistic to the idealistic.

Here's what some of them said...

Dave Eady: "Not to make any then I can keep to them."

Sarah Davis: "Declutter the house."

Caren Johnston: "Work for a company with 100 per cent better ethical, environmental and sustainability values."

Lorraine Wadley: "Live for today….. as tomorrow is never never promised."

Alan Walklett: "Join the gym and not go for 10 months like the last two years."

Sandy Arnold: "Same as last year and the year before and the year before that one."

Kevin Smith: "Do Swindon Borough Council have any? Like a proactive approach to waste disposal and recycling? Fix some pot holes and generally improve a service that we are forced to pay for?"

Richard Clark: "Start my new job, and see what I can achieve.

"Once that’s done start thinking about the local elections. Hopefully more people will do like I’m going to do and question all their local candidates about what they are going to do to make Swindon a better place to live and work.

"Then go out and vote for the best candidates, rather than voting by the colour of their rosette."

Brandon Crane: "Being able to walk."

Jen Hurcombe: "Try for a baby and move house."

Lucy Maull: "Usual... lose weight, try vegan, less screen time, get a hobby, stay out of prison, read more, grow my own chillis."

Gordon Moore: "Try to ask our councillors to help out the appendage Signal Point to be demolished or addressed .. a total embarrassment to Swindon!"

Emma Stoneham: "To be a better person."

Ranga Samaranayake: "Live without debts."

Christopher Macey: "Repair my garden after that mini freeze we had a couple of weeks ago."

Katie Luhn: "Make it to through winter without going bankrupt."