The big screen in Swindon's town centre has been removed.

Swindon Borough Council has taken the enormous TV out of the north-facing façade of Brunel West car park that overlooks Wharf Green.

This removal work has been carried out during the last week.

The BBC commissioned the screen in 2008, picking Swindon as the first location in the south of England to have a permanent BBC Big Screen and the ninth in the entire country.

In 2010, it broadcast Carmen live from the Royal Opera House in London, proved to be a popular place to watch the London Olympics in 2012, and also showed live ballet, live sport, and local programmes and information.

But after funding support ran out, the TV was switched off in 2016, and issues with the screen's panels proved to be too big a hurdle to bring it back into use.

After being a fixture of the town centre for more than a decade, the technical equipment has now been removed to make way for a new project from Artsite that will be completed in the near future.

A Swindon Borough Council spokesman said: "The new artwork coming from the amazing teams at Artsite will rejuvenate new life into this area and make it a welcoming place again.

"Be sure to watch our social media for more information later this summer."

Coun Kevin Small is the local authority's Cabinet member for the town centre.

He said: "Sadly, the TV screen is now redundant and removing it is the only option.

“Like most Swindon residents, I feel it is a shame that this screen was not used to its full potential, which would have made Wharf Green into a focal point for the town centre and brought more people into the area.

“However, I am pleased that the Artsite project will brighten up the area and I am looking forward to seeing their work, as Artsite has already created some amazing murals and pieces of art around the town centre, at Kimmerfields and even already at Wharf Green.

"I’m sure what they come up with next will be just as good.”