I watch the high rough waves
Cheeky seagulls I hear call
Bare feet in the sand, I have touching
The washy seashore.
Big and small crabs are running away
From the fishermen’s haul,
Ships’ sails are blowing wild
Maybe pirates on wooden decking floors.
I smell the salty sea air
Seaweed is lying around,
Beautiful mermaids swimming
Fishy tails going up and down.
I’m so happy and all excited
Big smiles, with no worried frown
In my heart I want to sing a song,
All day long and very loud.

I look at the rambling cliff tops
Where the yellow gorse likes to roam,
Just me and power of the seaside
Spending precious time alone.
As I’m picking up the seashells
For sweet memories when I get home,
I think to myself, how lucky I am
Seeing this place,
Where my darling mum and dad used to roam.