THE Discworld series is one that has touched many bookworms hearts over the years.

Whether you are an avid reader of the series and religiously devour the pages of each novel as it is released, or you just dip in and out of the stories in a more casual way, there is always something to please everyone.

And Making Money is no exception.

We're back in Ankh-Morpock with Moist Von Lipwig (who the hardcore fans know was introduced in Going Postal)and the tyrannical Lord Vetinari has decided to put him in charge of the bank.

What could possibly go wrong?

From werewolf police officers, dogs who are chairman of banks to huge creatures made of clay and bitter stepsons who are determined to get their hands on the gold contained in the bank's vaults there is never a quiet moment.

As always, Pratchett captures the mood perfectly and with the country in the grip of the credit crunch, he is on the money once again.

And the novel is called Making Money so you never know, you might get a few ideas...