Did you see me in the newspaper on Tuesday? A lot of people did, and I want to start today’s entry by thanking everyone who has taken time to talk with me about my illness, my blog and life in general since the Adver printed the article on me earlier this week.

Jackie works at Nationwide, and many of her colleagues there had already been reading the blog, but hadn’t realised she was Prospect Paul’s good lady! People have stopped to talk with her since Tuesday to offer their support and best wishes to us both, which we really appreciate. Our neighbours, some of whom didn’t know about my illness, have chatted with us too. It’s been a great experience – thank you to you all. I’m thinking of a new career on the after-dinner circuit!

I’m at Day Hospice again today, and I’ve just had a chat with Nicky, one of the community-based Prospect nurses, and she told me that a patient she visits has decided that he will now come to Day Hospice just on the back of the article about me and the Hospice. Like I was, he has been reluctant to come to the Hospice, but apparently he was reassured by what he read. That in itself has made the article and the blog worthwhile as far as I’m concerned. I’m keen to ensure that people learn about the work of the Hospice, and that any fears or misconceptions are lessened by what I write.

In myself, I’m more tired than usual. Earlier in the week I went into town to buy Jackie’s Christmas present, and yesterday I chatted with some medical students who were visiting Ridge Green Medical Centre (they’d all seen the article too!). It’s left me feeling whacked out, but you know me – I’d sooner be active when I can be.

We’re hoping to visit my brother in Surrey on Saturday. Dereck’s a few years older than me, and we get on very well. Like me, Dereck enjoys life to the full. We like a pint or two together, and to catch up on events. He’s a character, my brother. When he was fifteen he joined the Boys’ Service in the Royal Navy, and quickly signed up to be in the boxing team. Truthfully, he was never much of a boxer, as he always got knocked out in the first round. He kept it up for two reasons...he hated football, which was the alternative sport, and also being in the boxing team meant extra rations! After initial training, he left the navy and quit boxing. He was never going to turn pro anyway!

He’s got a good life, though. Margaret, my sister in law, takes good care of him. She’s never managed to tame his wild side, but that’s part of what she loves about him. I’m looking forward to seeing them both.

On Sunday my son Lee is coming over from Northampton for the day, and taking the old boy and his mum out for lunch. He’s a diamond, and his wife Nicky is too. We’ll have a laugh or two, that’s for sure.

Two of my friends, who have been in touch via the blog, work at Woolworths’ Warehouse, as I used to. I’ve been listening to the news about Woolies with some concern...I really hope that for everyone there things work out for them. Who would have ever thought Woolies would run into such trouble, and just before Christmas too.

So that’s been my week. I’ll be here again next Thursday, and feel free to add your comments – I really look forward to them.

Take care, Paul