IT’S all change from today for BBC Radio Swindon.

The BBC has rebranded the radio station to become BBC Wiltshire, taking away the Swindon name because, according to managing editor Mark Hurrell, listeners had said they were confused by the BBC Radio Swindon and Wiltshire brands.

“In line with other stations across the country, we’ve now decided to relaunch ourselves as BBC Wiltshire,” said Mr Hurrell.

“This sends a clear message – we do BBC local radio and web for Wiltshire, from Wiltshire.”

The name change comes just a week after Swindon’s independent radio station GWR rebranded itself as Heart FM, and the BBC’s timing comes as the corporation celebrates its 20th birthday in Wiltshire.

“Our 20th birthday is the most appropriate day to draw our two current names into one,” said Mr Hurrell.

“It means that all our output will be branded the same. This will not actually change what we do. We are committed, thanks to our licence to operate from the BBC Trust, to provide a distinctive service to those listeners in Swindon. I believe that many will not notice the difference.”

Mr Hurrell will next week be making way as BBC Wiltshire’s managing editor for Rose Aston, who was assistant editor at BBC Shropshire.