JOHNNY Ball will be cheering when his brother-in-law and 150 young swimmers splash out for the NSPCC.

The former TV presenter’s brother-in-law Paul Hicks and members of the Swindon Amateur Swimming Club (ASC) will cover 110 lengths to raise money for the charity on September 22.

The NSPCC has been helping troubled children in the town for 110 years and is aiming to raise £110,000 by that date.

Johnny, the father of Radio 2 presenter Zoe Ball, said: “My brother-in-law Paul has always enjoyed swimming as a hobby.

“Challenging him to swim 110 lengths seemed the perfect way to help raise money. He has joined forces with the Swindon ASC whose children are having fun and enthusiastically supporting such a worthy charity.

“We hope to have lots of fun raising lots of money for the children of this area who need the NSPCC’s help so badly.” Paul, 57, of Stratton St Margaret, is looking forward to diving in, as he and his sister Di, Johnny’s wife, used to be a members of the swimming club.

He said: “I’m used to Johnny and Zoe being in the limelight so I’m thrilled that I can do something to help the NSPCC 110 Challenge by doing something I’ve always enjoyed – swimming. Hopefully with everyone’s help we can raise a tidy sum for the local NSPCC and have fun doing it – we may even encourage more children to learn to swim.”

Johnny’s celebrity daughter Zoe, who recently announced she is expecting her second child, is planning to come and support her uncle.

She said: “As a mum of a young child I know how important it is to give them a happy life. Sadly this does not always happen. So I am very happy supporting my uncle Paul and all the children taking part in this NSPCC 110 Challenge swim.

“The NSPCC does such essential work in helping vulnerable children and families and hopefully this event will, in turn help them.”

The 2.3 mile swim is taking place in the Victorian baths on Milton Road and will see children from the age of four swimming across the pool while older members will go the full distance.

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