Well here we are on day one of the summer hols and so far all is well, Alfie even managed not to wake me by tugging at my hair this morning (he has a hair obsession, sensory issue) which was a luxury!

Lloyd left primary school yesterday, he was very emotional bless him and had a good cry. It’s a huge jump for any child and the going from big fish to the smallest in the pond comes as a bit of a shock to them all. He is off to Commonweal in September and I expect him to change a great deal throughout the next year. My eldest certainly has since starting secondary, he has become very grown up and independent, the change in him has been remarkable.

I think that all of the children were glad to have broken up, it’s been a long term for them and they are tired and in need of some fun! Abbie celebrated by taking the guinea pigs on a trip to the trampoline this morning, in her pyjamas!

So far we have very little planned. There are Street Warden Activities at the Dome which they will go to every Wednesday. They really enjoy going here during the school hols, they get to play dodge ball and there are also different craft activities to do every week. I am hoping that we will have some sunny days, so that we can go on picnics to Coate and Lawns Woods. I will also try and take them on a train trip and a day out at the seaside. So that’s pretty much the extent of our plans.

I had best go and find something for Amy to do – she is sat looking sulky and bored on the sofa. Hmmm... Perhaps if I find some chores for her to do she will amazingly find something else to keep herself amused! That one usually works well!