On Wednesday 11 November 2009, the amazing Kate Cann visited our school. For me it was a great change to scoot off in a girly group to the library for a sizzling workshop and to meet her!

First of all, she told us how she started off as an Editor, checking for mistakes and grammar in other wannabe author's books. She found that teenage books were split in two directions: firstly there were novels showing a terrible and depressing life and attitude to sex, while secondly there were fantasies where the boy you fancy basically falls in love with you for no apparent reason.

So, her mission was to write books which were real and showed sex and relationships in a happy medium!

As a workshop, Kate gave us three gothic writing scenarios and we had to write on from what were given. I honestly loved it and thought it was a great idea! I was able to practice my writing skills and also show them off too. It was good fun.

At the end we could ask some questions about her books which I rather enjoyed! I got her autograph and she said she would like to use my name in one of her next books. I have really enjoyed all her books and so far I have read: Moving out; Moving in; Moving on; Footloose; Escape; Fiesta... and I want to read many more!!

By Rhian Edwards, Isambard School