Chelsea Davis, 14, Shaw
Film: Twilight

Twilight is an exhilarating, moving romantic thriller, enjoyed by all ages and gender, but mainly by female teenagers. Twilight was first released as a novel written by Stephanie Meyer and then developed into a film, which was then released in 2008. Twilight is a magical film, with amazing special effects which will take your breath away, and make you believe in fantasy creatures, or hope of their existence. The suspenseful film shows the relationship between a 108 year old vampire in the form of a 17 year boy Edward Cullen, and a 17 year old mortal girl Bella Swan. This heart warming film of the year, shows the experience of Bella Swan as she leaves her home of Arizona to live with her father in a in a small town in Washington, called Forks. Here she meets Edward Cullen, a vampire. Edward is attracted to Bella, and fights the urge not to attack her for her blood. He saves her life and she realises he is not a normal boy and demands the truth, she then finds out he is a vampire. Edward and Bella surprise the school as they become a couple. This passionate film will keep you stuck to your seat, as you wonder what happens to the unusual couple, and if their love will save their lives. I give this incredible film 9 out of 10. However I find the theme of vampires has been used too much which makes the film seem slightly predictable. But apart from this, Twilight is the best film I have seen all year, and I strongly recommend this film to anyone.