Jack Robertson, 14, Woodhall Park
Film: Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Raiders of the Lost Ark is the first ever Indiana Jones film directed by Steven Spielberg. The Indiana Jones series is about an archaeologist who goes in search of the Lost Ark.

The opening scene is Indiana on one of his daring raids deep into unexplored territory, where only the brave have ventured and never returned. He makes it out alive, but unfortunately has his reward stolen by a group of bad guys who have met him before.

Armed with his trusty whip, Indiana is ready to go on another one of his adventures to try and discover one of the mysteries of the Earth – the 10 Commandments. Along his way, he has to venture across the world in search of his prize, but the bad guys are back and trying to get in his way.

Along his way, he needs to meet up with an old friend, who is less than pleased to see him, but by the end is deeply in-love with him for saving her life several times over.

The action-packed film is full of special effects, which are really subtle to us, but make the whole film much more enjoyable to watch. Throughout the whole of the film, music is usually playing in the background, which emphasises what’s happening on screen and matches the mood of the scene very well.

The ending of the film has a little twist to it. You think it is over, but in fact it is not, there is still quite a long time to go. The Nazi’s try to take back what they thought was theirs, but Indiana is soon on the case and fighting back with consequences that turn out for the good of Indiana and bad for the Nazi’s.

A very good film, which is jammed-packed full of action and has a great plot and storyline. A film to be enjoyed by all action-lovers.