LIFE is finally being breathed back into Wood Street in Old Town with plans for a new French bistro getting the thumbs up from the Swindon Council.

Shareen Campbell and Phil Saunter, the owners of tapas bar Los Gatos next to the former shop building, propose to turn it into a ‘sister restaurant’ called Les Chats.

The couple, who are finalising the details of a lease on the property, claim the new eatery would not only enhance business in Wood Street but also bring something new to the area.

They were granted planning permission at a council meeting on Tuesday night.

Ms Campbell, who is currently in discussions with council planning officers to ensure the business fits in, said: “We very much welcome the planning committee’s pragmatic approach.

“Whilst we regret the economic situation that means retail businesses find it more difficult to survive, we hope our new venture will turn what has been an empty property for six years into something that will bring added value to trading in Wood Street.”

Ms Campbell said the restaurant would be similar in approach to Los Gatos, but would be French instead of Spanish.

She said: “It is going to be simple, French good quality cooking. What we will be doing is buying good quality raw ingredients, either locally produced or imported from France.”

The unit, next to Michael’s Way, has been empty for six years, having last been used as a hairdresser’s until about 2004.

The plans, which were recommended for approval by officers, are to change the use of the premises from retail to a restaurant/café and build a single-storey extension at the side.

Despite letters of objection from about 20 residents of Tismeads Crescent in Old Town that there are already too many bars and restaurants in the area and there was a need for more shops, the committee approved the plans.

Six letters of support had also been sent in, saying the proposal was a welcome addition to the Old Town area.

Coun Mike Bawden (Con, Old Town and Lawn), said he would reluctantly support the application.

“We have had long discussions about the particular problem of losing retail shops in the Old Town area,” he said.

“But none of us would like to see that shop continue to be empty for any longer than it needs be.

“Is it better to have a shop turned into a restaurant than for it to stay empty?”

Members of the local residents’ association and Peter Lawson, from the Old Town Business and Professionals Association, turned up at the meeting to voice their support for the plans.

Mr Lawson pointed out that 20 per cent of the business premises in Old Town were vacant at the moment.

The plans were approved with conditions that the opening hours are 9am-11pm Sunday to Thursday and from 9am -midnight on Friday and Saturday.