A SPATE of more than 20 burglaries has led police to warn homeowners to be extra vigilant.

Detectives are appealing for information after 21 burglaries, some of which are linked, that have happened across the town since the new year.

Four of the incidents took place in the Stratton St Margaret area, three in Eldene, one in central Swindon, three in Rodbourne, six in Haydon Wick, one in Liden, two in Westlea and one in Toothill.

Officers are linking the burglaries that took place in Haydon Wick and Stratton.

Det Con Liz Coles said police were keen to identify the criminals as soon as possible to prevent further burglaries taking place “The impact of burglary on victims should not be underestimated and I am keen to apprehend the offenders as soon as possible.

“I would therefore like to take this opportunity to ask the public to be extra vigilant at this time and appeal to anyone who may have seen or heard anything suspicious in these areas over the last few weeks to contact me.

“Most burglars are opportunists whereby they notice that a window or door is insecure and decide to break in.”

To help prevent more households becoming victims the police have issued advice including securing all external doors and windows, installing security lighting and having strong locks on gates, sheds and garages.

They also advise residents to have valuable property marked and to make a record of the serial numbers of mobile phones, computers, cameras, MP3 players and other equipment with a property register company such as Immobilise.com.

Anyone with information about any of the above incidents should contact DC Coles on 0845 408 7000 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

For more crime prevention advice contact crime prevention officers, David Budd and Amanda Clarke, on 0845 408 7000.