BROWNIES have done their best and finished a video which they made to mark a special birthday.

The 3rd Stratton St Margaret Brownies have filmed their own version of The Brownie Story and uploaded it online to mark the centenary of Girl Guiding.

About 20 girls took part in the short film and spent months planning and filming it.

Brown Owl Christine Fisher, who appears in the video as the storyteller, said they had fun directing and filming it.

“The Brownies loved it, they took part in all sorts – working cameras and designing story boards. They all thoroughly enjoyed it,” she said.

The story has two main characters and a group of the girls are seen listening to the story being told.

It tells the tale of two children who go on the hunt for a Brownie to help their mother clean the house.

“It really was an extra special one-off for our 100th year of Girl Guiding,” said Christine.

“It was something different to do so the girls remember it.”

They filmed it in different locations across the town, including book store Waterstones, during their weekly Brownie sessions and at the weekends, and Christine said they have had some great feedback.

“We had to get permission from head office before we did it and they were quite happy for it to be done,” she said.

“We actually showed it at our AGM so all the members could see it and everybody was very impressed.

“ I have never seen anyone else produce anything like it.

“We’re hoping it could be useful to other Brownie groups. Everybody tells the Brownie story when they get a new recruit, it gets the girls involved.

“It’s a nice extra thing to show the little girls as they come to you.”

The Brownies applied for a Lottery grant through the UK Film Council’s First Light Initiative and Sherylee Houssein, project co-ordinator of Create Studios, brought Keith Phillips from Ideal Films on board.

She and Keith have worked on a number of films together and scooped awards for two projects the latest being Rites of Passage.

They were awarded a grant as long as they got match funding so they appealed to the Brunel Centre.

Sherylee, of Stratton, is an assistant Brownie leader known as Bambi, and it was her films that inspired the Brownies to make one of their own.

To see the video visit www.first movies/the-brownie-story.