NEARLY 2,000 people in Swindon and Wiltshire made a date to donate in National Blood Week last month.

A total of 1,779 donated, and 357 more registered to donate for the first time during the drive from June 13 to 26.

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) issued a call for 10,000 people across England and North Wales to make a date to donate, after new data showed there had been a 20 per cent drop in young regular donors over the last decade.

The lower figure had raised concerns for the stability of blood stocks in the future.

Despite a significant increase in the number of new registrations among young people in the south west, people aged 40 to 54 are still responsible for giving the most blood in the region.

Jonathan Sewell, NHSBT’s lead donor relations manager for the south west, said: “Would like to thank all of the first time and regular donors in the south west who made a ‘date to donate’.”

For donation information, visit, or call 0300 123 2323.