WITH just weeks to go before a new operator takes over at the Oasis, more details have been released about the transfer.

From Friday, June 1, Moirai Capital Investments, who have formed a new company called Oasis Operations Ltd, will take control of the leisure centre from Swindon Council.

The council decided to seek external investment for the Oasis because it does not have the funds to pay the estimated £20m cost to bring the 35 year-old building up to modern standards.

The facilities also have a £3m maintenance backlog and require a £400,000 a year subsidy to run. The re-development will create 1,700 new jobs.

Last week, the council wrote to the 25,000 SwindonCard holders to inform them that once their card had expired, they will not be valid at the leisure centre.

The council intends to transfer their personal details to the new owner of the Oasis but by law, holders have the right not to consent to this but must inform the council, and a form for this is included with the letters.

If holders opt not to have their details transferred, their SwindonCards will not be valid at the Oasis from June 1, although they will be valid for all existing discounts elsewhere.

SwindonCard holders who are content to allow their details to be transferred do not need to inform the council, and their SwindonCards will continue to be valid at the Oasis after June 1 until their normal expiry date. All SwindonCards bought or renewed after June 1 will not be valid at the Oasis.

Another change will be the cessation of free swimming lessons for children enrolled on a course at the centre after June 1.

The Oasis will remain fully open following the transfer, and throughout the improvement works, which will begin later this year. All prices will remain as they are, the parking arrangements will remain unchanged, and events and concerts that have already been booked will go ahead as normal.

At the same time, the new owners will develop proposals to build and operate new leisure facilities, which are planned to include an indoor ski slope and 7,000 seat concert arena on the nearby vacant site of the former Clare’s factory.

The first phase of development will see improvements to the changing facilities and the reception area.

After that, the Dome will be renewed, the changing rooms and toilets will be replaced, and there will be a new and larger gym. A new space for the SNAPS skate park will also be created, along with more sports shops, new catering and water fun facilities, and outside terracing.

Further information on the Oasis transfer is available to customers at: www.swindon.gov.uk/oasistransfer