On 13/04/12 my son's beloved dog (Molly) went missing from a locked backyard at our home in Toothill. She was last seen at 11am when I left to work and when we got back that day the 1 year old Jack Russell was nowhere and no one had seen her either.

The backyard was locked and she wouldn't be able to get out by herself what make us believe she was stolen. She was wearing and identification collar and is microchipped.

So far we contacted the police, Swindon Borough Council, dog wardens and RSPCA but no one had received a dog with her descriptions.

Since her missing my son's been knocking at neighbours doors, putting up posters and spreading the word through websites like www.doglost.com and social networks as facebook and twiter but so far no one seem to have any news about her.

Every night I have to cope with a distressed boy who cries with apparently no reason especially when he watches a movie where there is a dog or he visits a friend who owns a dog.

She is a very lovely and active dog and my son misses her company very much.

This is now affecting his attendance at school as he can't sleep at night and is always very tired in the morning, exhausted from his crying.

I cry too but not so much for missing her (which I do) but for seeing him looking so sad.

If you have any information that could help us find her please call me on 01793485200 or 07837010433. Reward will be paid on her safe return.

Based on information supplied by Daniella Quaglio.