YOUNGSTERS across Wiltshire are being encouraged to keep reading during the long holidays as the 2012 Summer Reading Challenge launches this month.

Last year, 8,156 children took part in Royal Wootton Bassett, Purton and the rest of the county, with 4,494 children reading all six books and more than 30,000 books being read in total.

More than 90 per cent of families taking part said their child’s reading had improved.

This year the challenge, which is for for four to 11-year-olds, will run in Wiltshire libraries from July 14 to September 8. It encourages children to read six or more books of their choice during the holidays with collectable incentives and rewards, plus a certificate and medal for every child who completes the challenge.

Children can sign up at their local library from July 14 and all materials are absolutely free.

This year the theme will be Story Lab.

Sarah Hillier, who is the children’s librarian at Wiltshire Council, said: “The challenge is all about developing and sustaining a love of books and reading, and about sharing that reading, with families and friends. It’s also a great fun way of helping children to develop their reading skills by trying out new books and receiving rewards along the way. It really does make a difference.”