Six youths appeared at Swindon County Police Court charged with doing malicious damage to a wall at The Three Tuns Hotel, Wroughton.

On different nights, during the black-out, 80 coping stones were pushed off the wall into the garden causing damages totalling £4 10s.

“My clients have not brought the prosecution solely to recover damage, but as a warning to these and other boys in the neighbourhood that they cannot go about in the black-out doing damage to other people’s property,” said Mr RJ Parker, prosecuting on behalf of Messrs James Arkell and Sons, owners of the hotel.

Five of the youths, including Vivian Raymond Imms 18, of 7 High Street, Wroughton, who said he did it “just for a little bit of fun,” were fined 5s and ordered to pay 10s each towards the damage. Charges against a sixth boy were dismissed.

“This hooliganism that is going on now is perfectly disgraceful,” said Chairman Major JL Nickisson.