MR REID, when I wrote that the No2ID campaign was yours I meant it in the same way that UKIP is my party or a Swindon Town FC supporter follows his or her club. I hope that is now clear.

I do not wish to encourage apathy amongst people, quite the reverse, and I am very strongly on your side. But given the current political situation in Britain I do feel that trying to stop these cards by way of our MPs is a waste of time. It simply won't work.

You admit yourself that neither Mr Wills nor Mrs Snelgrove have answered a single question put to them on this issue, which is exactly my point.

I am not surprised to learn that ID cards have become law, the only surprise there is that it took so long as March to enforce them. No doubt we will soon be getting our application forms in the post.

ID cards are but the tip of the iceberg concerning the EU's plans for Britain, which will eventually result, as I am sure Mr Reid will confirm, in a police state where you will be guilty until you can prove you're innocent.

You can be arrested without charge or even reasonable grounds and generally be living in a state comparable to Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia.

Correct me if I am wrong Mr Reid, but I believe No2ID is simply a pressure group, not a political party standing at elections.

The only way to end what is fast turning into a nightmare is to elect MPs prepared to scrap ID cards and take Britain out of the European Union.

The apathy certainly does not lie with me or anyone in UKIP.

Sadly it lies with the average voter who still appears not to realise the danger involved in continuing to support the traditional parties.


(UKIP Swindon South branch).
