THE new Italian Prime Minister, Romano Prodi has announced that the war in Iraq was a grave error' and has committed to speeding up the withdrawal of Italy's 2,600 troops by the end of 2006.

It is of grave concern that the UK Government may become the last ones, except for the USA, with actual combat troops in Iraq.

It's an extremely dangerous situation for our soldiers, for how Britain is perceived in the world, and for the Iraqis most of whom clearly don't want us there.

It is very important that when troops are engaged that there is a clear understanding of what the withdrawal plan is.

Currently the British Government seems to have an open-ended commitment, despite the fact that the military and political situation is unravelling. It is time for Tony Blair to set the date a few weeks or months from now when British troops are brought home.

A Newman.


Swindon Stop the War Coalition.
