WITH pensions and pensioners in the news again this week I wonder how many of our elder citizens know how the Identity Cards Act 2006 will affect them?

Within the next three or four years every pensioner in the United Kingdom will be required to attend an interview where they will have at least 51 of their "registerable facts" recorded and entered on to their identity car and National Identity Database.

They will be compelled to pay at least £93 for this dubious honour, or they will be fined £2,500 each time they fail to attend the interview.

I'm sure we'll be seeing our pensioners dragged off to prison again, as we have done previously over the poll and council tax.

Who will fight for them this time around?

Why are we still expecting our pensioners to fight battles on our behalf?

Many have fought in the Second World War to keep us safe from dictatorial governments and many of their friends and family were killed doing so.

It might therefore surprise many Advertiser readers to learn that the Government's proposed and very "safe sounding" Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill is almost a carbon copy of Adolf Hitler's Enabling Act which he, and the Nazi Party successfully used to legally assume absolute power in 1930s German politics. And we all know where that led...

So it worries me, as it should worry every other freedom-loving Brit, that the media hasn't yet picked up on the many dreadful aspects in both the Identity Cards Act and the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill.

I believe it's about time we gave our pensioners a rest and fought on their, and our own, behalf.

And I've asked the staff at Swindon talkswindon.org forum for some help in raising awareness of these issues which will affect our pensioners. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Let's not stand idly by as our MPs, Michael Wills and Anne Snelgrove, vote away our, and our pensioners', rights and liberty at every opportunity.

G REID The Prinnels, Swindon