WHILE Europe and most of the civilised world condemn the slaughter of civilians in Lebanon, Tony Blair stands with Bush refusing to call for an immediate ceasefire, or give one word of criticism of Israel.

The excuse for the Israeli massacre of the innocents is to rid the country of Hezbollah.

How can it be justified that one country can destroy another's infrastructure, blow up its power stations and kill parts of its population simply because of the criminal elements in its midst?

The IRA used to cross the border and kill British soldiers. Did Britain respond by bombing Dublin, or by ripping the skin from Irish children with cluster bombs? Of course not.

Why are these Israeli American war crimes allowed to continue?

One word from America could stop this bloody massacre immediately.

But Bush and Blair give not the slightest rebuke to Israel and say that Israel must be allowed to finish its work'.

Stand by for more needless deaths. Tony Blair is isolated and represents no one. He has learned the black arts of politics. He can look us in the eye with his righteous smile, turn the truth on its head and tell us black is white; but I believe his credibility has sunk to zero.

It is time this mendacious man released his iron grip on British politics before he shames us any further.

There is plenty that can occupy his planet-sized ego in a less harmful way.

Evidently he is more popular in America than here. For Lord Blair of Washington' there are the lucrative lecture tours, perhaps a directorship in Rupert Murdoch's empire and he has still to collect his bloodstained Medal of Honour' for his support for the hideous mistake in Iraq.

Only when this man leaves can Britain begin to restore honour and integrity in British politics; but for the sake of humanity just go!