ANNE Snelgrove told us, (SA, Sept 7 2006), that the people of Swindon are not interested in Blair's departure. She is quite wrong in my case.

Another carefully leaked memo informs us that Tony wants to "promote the triumph of Blairism."

It has the title: Reconnecting With The Public - A New Relationship With The Media. It details how the spinmeisters intend to salvage his image.

Tony wants to appear on Blue Peter, the Chris Evans Radio show and Songs Of Praise. He wants to tour the country so a grateful nation can say goodbye to him.

So we can look forward to an even heavier bombardment of micro-managed "Blair-tastic" self-publicising events.

For me, Triumphant Blairism evokes imagery of a nation which has been prostituted out to a rampaging US president, a country duped into un-winnable wars, whose tax pounds are squandered on initiatives with catchy names but little substance or success. Blairism, as far as I can see, is itself a lie.

Blairism triumphantly bullies its own citizens, it cheats, lies and legislates to get its own way, because Blairism knows what's best for us and the end justifies the means.

When on foreign soil, Blairism belligerently delivers its message with bombs and bullets.

Where Blairism finds a real opportunity to show benevolence, such as the Lebanon, it triumphantly stands aside and allows others to finish their work.

Blairism throws money at problems, spins the results and announces triumphant successes.

Transport, education and the National Health Services, all hailed as successes of Blairism, are all now reported as being in serious difficulty.

I don't recall the nurses looking triumphant at their conference, despite being told by a minister: "The NHS is enjoying its best year ever."

Even the economy is being touted as another Triumphant Success Of Blairism, yet experts believe it is doing well not because of Blairism, but in spite of it.

So Anne, don't tell us what we should, or should not be interested in, because your Government has forced its tarnished fingers into every part of life. You have our attention now, whether you wanted it or not.

Unfortunately for Tony, the media is less fascinated with his strategy/agenda of the week, and has become more interested in seeing what is really there for themselves.

We are not just witnessing the end of a Prime Minister, we are seeing a marketing machine collapse under its own weight. Wake up Britain, the spell has been broken.

G Reid.
