PEOPLE living in Eldene are now getting used to the sight of paperboy Stuart Heath bobbing at their letterboxes.

After several months' practice the 15-year-old has mastered the art of delivering a paper while still perched on his unicycle.

Stuart, a Dorcan College student from Liden, picked up the hobby from his friend and has adapted it to make his job easier.

"I only started using the unicycle in September, but it's not that complicated a skill," he said.

"My friend was into it and I picked it up from him.

"I have got two cycles that I use for the round, which I do every day of the week."

Stuart started his paper round 18 months ago and relied on a mountain bike to get him around.

But the size of it meant he had to dismount every time he wanted to deliver a newspaper.

"I thought it would be a lot easier if I could use my unicycle because you don't need to get off to put the paper through into the box," he said.

"After a few goes I got the hang of it and I can now do every house on the round bar a few."

The unusual sight has prompted several comments from residents and passers-by.

"A common one is where's your other wheel gone?'," he said.

"Most people seem to think it's funny but there are a few who think I'm being stupid.

"But if I can finish the round quicker then what is the harm?"

Whether by luck or design Stuart's cycling delivery system has kept him away from dogs on his round, and the only problem is the weight of weekend supplements.

He said: "I have to go back to my mountain bike on Saturday and Sunday because the weight tips me off balance.

"You can lean to compensate with the smaller papers but the weekend is too heavy."

When he is not doing his paper round Stuart puts his unicycle to good use, taking it on trials' around Swindon.

He said: "I use it in the town and in the country as you would do a mountain bike.

"We jump from things and go down hills, but you fall off quite often."

And despite his unicycle capers Stuart has no urge to join the circus.

"We don't think of unicycles as being circus items, and I don't juggle or do the trapeze," he said.