WITH Paul Sturrock demanding more width from his Town squad ahead of Saturday's derby with rivals Bristol Rovers, wingers Christian Roberts and Jon-Paul McGovern have both pledged to deliver the goods.

Sturrock has made no secret of the fact he wants Swindon to become a crossing team,' with his strikeforce poised to pounce on any quality balls delivered into the box.

McGovern produced more assists than anyone playing for MK Dons last season and is desperate to recreate that tally for Town in League One.

But for that to happen he must must first receive the ball, and McGovern and Roberts both agree they have been starved of service.

"The wide players could definitely see a bit more of the ball," said McGovern.

"We will always be judged on the crosses we make and the chances we create.

"If you only get the ball 10 times there's only 10 crosses you can put into the box.

"If your running up and down the line with your hand in the air it can be frustrating."

Roberts agrees. The Welshman got the nod over McGovern at Elland Road on Saturday but admitted he drifted in and out of the game.

He said: "The gaffer pulled all the wide men to one side in training and said we need to produce more crosses.

"Personally, I don't think we're getting the ball out wide early enough and I hope that can change.

"Hopefully I can be involved again on Saturday and I can create a few chances for our strikers to score."

After four weeks sat warming the bench Roberts is determined to hold onto his Town shirt, but admits the final score at 4.45pm is more important than personal glory.

He said: "When I was left out by the gaffer I just wanted to get back in. Everyone is desperate to play and that can only be a good thing.

"But it's a team game. There are no individuals at Swindon Town and we all battle together."

It was McGovern's turn to miss out against Leeds but after putting in an extra shift at training yesterday, the Scot has thrown his name back into the hat for Saturday.

And McGovern sees no reason why he and Roberts can't both take to the field for the visit of Rovers.

He said: "There's lots of good players in the squad, it's not just a case of me and Robbo. But we seemed quite comfortable with me on the right and Robbo on the left before.

"It suited him to cut inside, whereas I am maybe more of a crosser, he's more attacking and likes to come inside and have shots.

"I pride myself on how many assists I make. Last year I got the most in the league, so if I can do the same for Swindon Town it can only benefit me and the team."