I read Des Morgan’s letter dated 21st March with great interest, but wish to respond accordingly.

The SWLEP had informed the Swindon Advertiser of the names of the companies awarded through the first panel meeting for the Growth Hub days prior to publication.

For this reason a full apology was printed Wednesday 19th March in the Swindon Advertiser, which you must have regrettably missed as you would hopefully have changed the content of your letter accordingly.

The SWLEP is there for economic growth, helping local businesses and making a real difference. Private board members like myself give several days a month to the SWLEP without pay or expenses to help the local area.

I employ local people, help endless amounts of local charities, schools and sporting organisations to give back what Swindon has given me. It is right that the media and local people hold accountable local public organisations, I encourage it in fact, but to be clear the SWLEP is a public private partnership and as such we ensure the accountability of our decision making processes is of a particularly high standard.

I hope this clarifies any confusion caused by recent articles.

James Phipps