RE ‘a real kick in the teeth for nurses’ (SA Wednesday, March 19), I would like to say that the Government should be ashamed at its treatment of these hardworking, dedicated souls who keep our NHS running.

Where would we be without them? It is these men and women who save patients’ lives with their diligent care, kindness and support.

It’s not the managers and bureaucrats and PR people.

I myself had an occasion to spend a month in Great Western Hospital last year. Yes the surgeon saved my life in one sense – but it was the nurses who truly saved it.

They kept me sane, listened when I was upset, helped me get back on my feet, literally and metaphorically, helped control my pain, brought me magazines to read, celebrated when I was allowed my first meal again, made my rather miserable bedridden birthday all the brighter with a birthday card and giant fairy cake... in short, they were brilliant and I will never forget them or their kindness.

So to refuse our valiant nursing staff a cost of living pay rise is a huge slap in the face and is tantamount to playing Russian roulette with our health service.

Perhaps our MPs could all take a small pay cut and put that money towards individuals who do a job that is honest, painstaking and invaluable.

Mrs JM Robbins, Wroughton