RE ‘Be loud and proud’, August 13 from Rosemary Duff, she writes: “events such as (Gay) Pride are needed so people can shout out that it is fine and normal to be gay until those who think it’s not get the message”. So, Rosemary Duff, the Christian God who abhors homosexuality will, according to you, “eventually get the message” and write it out of the Holy Bible, so all the diverse elements in our midst may carry on happy as larks?

I wonder where this trend of equality/diversity/sexual rights nonsense will all end?

Do you believe that the warnings of Sodom and Gomorrah are simply fiction? It couldn’t happen here?

Why aren’t people content with the bodies God gave them? Why defile them?

When Noah boarded the Ark he took pairs of animals with him, one male and one female.

As for Helen Thompson’s assertion, “Yes we do need Pride” August 13, that “it is fun to be gay or bi-sexual”, the facts speak otherwise.

Steve Nibbs, Milton Road, Swindon