In response to the article by Dominic Gilbert(SA November 18), I would like to add a postscript regarding the plight of our elderly population, as the bitterly cold winter months are about to affect our daily lives.

It has already been announced in the national press that 25,000 elderly people will die during the bleak treacherous months that lay ahead, a truly harrowing concept. In the late evening of my life’s ever challenging journey, I am fully aware that the frailty of the body clicks in and restricts the wonderfully hectic and halcyon days of earlier years.

However, later life is equally as precious, deserving respect, caring and universal love. There are so many positive factors to be considered beyond all the associations and financial organisations. For tender loving care towards our fellow beings is above all other.

And I would love to believe that Swindon Town is the vanguard of loving care towards its elderly population; to consider the basic needs for all your senior citizens, to help prepare them for the onslaught of bitterly cold weather that lies ahead. Many people do not have sufficient heating in their homes so that warm clothing and sufficient food is an absolute necessity to survive the elements.

So I appeal to everyone who has an elderly neighbour next door, opposite or nearby, to reach out and ensure they are coping with the severity of winter, to help with their shopping and ensure they have sufficient wearing apparel day and night.

You see very many elderly people are far too proud to voice their needs, so will you reach out to them and give them the warmth, comfort and security they so desperately need?

After all, the finest therapy in the entire world is a reassuring hug and a cup of tea. Let love and respect reign. I am richly blessed with a wonderfully caring neighbour and loyal friend and I want you all to experience such caring and peace of mind in your precious eventide.

Mary Ratcliffe Old Town Swindon