AT LAST some common sense. About four years ago in Telford, Staffordshire, a group of 16 to 17 year olds decided to burgle a school. They climbed on to the roof, caused no end of damage and mayhem, when one of the youths crashed through a skylight and fell 15ft, which, I’m sorry to say, caused the 16-year-old some serious injuries and he’s very lucky to have survived.

This chapter over, the family, no doubt following some advice, decided to sue Staffordshire County Council claiming it should have secured the roof, despite the fact that he was trespassing.

I don’t know who the judge was but he or she deserves a common-sense-has-prevailed award and ruled in favour for the council and ordered the family to pay costs of £150,000, which could rise to £260,000.

At last, is the tide in common sense turning and is the law leaning in favour of the victim and not the perpetrators? It is in Staffordshire; let’s hope those who dish out the sentences in Wiltshire take note.

JOHN L CROOK Haydon Wick, Swindon