THANK you for printing the article regarding the Freegard’s battle with Parkinson’s Disease. This resonated strongly with me, as my mum has been a sufferer of Parkinson’s for over 10 years now.

Mum’s diagnosis was only picked up when she was being seen by a hospital doctor over a foot issue, who happened to notice her hands were trembling, a typical signature of Parkinson’s. Her GP had previously informed her that it was ‘wear and tear’.

We’ve been on various highs and lows with the disease, there are periods of time when she feels much like herself and there are times when she freezes, unable to move, and that’s really hard for her to cope with and as her daughter it’s hard not knowing how to best assist her with this.

I hope the article will encourage others to read about Parkinson’s and understand what the symptoms are, should they come across anyone that suffers from the disease.

KERRY WEAR Covingham, Swindon