RE: ‘Islamophobia Tsunami’, from Peter Smith of 15 April.

He states: ‘...attacks on Muslims are carried out in a way reminiscent of the McCarthy era in the USA.’ You can’t be serious, Peter Smith, what nonsense.

He quotes what he terms ‘Islamophobia nonsense’ in the media.

Next he’ll be saying that the many treacherous Muslim youths scurrying off to join ISIS and Jihad Johnny himself are also figments of the media imagination.

Last week in Cardiff posters appeared which read: ‘Democracy is a system whereby man violates the right of Allah. Islam is the only solution.’ Locals found this chilling and threatening. The Muslim Council (for whom Muslim youth seem to have no respect) advised it was a ‘hateful minority’; well they would, wouldn’t they?

It’s on the increase. Recently at the Al-Madinah Free School in Derby, lessons were apparently routinely scrapped in favour of prayers and children were banned from reading fairy stories as they were considered un-Islamic.

Girls were made to sit at the back of the classroom.

According to Mr Smith’s warped logic the media is also responsible for making all this up!

A judge has now declared that female Muslims will be allowed to cover their faces in court. Integration? How risible! Get rid of these idiotic judges.

This is political correctness interfering with justice. Motorbike couriers entering banks have to remove helmets. They have no special privileges - neither do others.

Just because wearing the veil is religiously motivated does not mean that it should be treated as an exception to the rule.

See how the host country has to bend the rules for Muslim immigrants?

The notion that one could produce a good little Englishman or Englishwoman out of raw immigrants is out with the bathwater!

Furthermore Peter Smith states: ‘Mr Adams provides no evidence of his allegation that Muslims seek to follow some parallel legal systems.’ Look around you Mr Smith. Come out of your comatose state! You do not understand the true nature of Islam.

Islam is a proselytising religion, it cannot stand still. They wait. Islam endeavours to expand in the UK.

Within time, as Muslim births increase, demand among them will rise calling for Sharia law to be implemented, and if they are in a majority, Sharia law will be implemented, especially with the naive politicians and archbishops we are cursed with.

Peter Smith is an atheist. In Muslim countries they are executed, they do not, under Sharia law, have the ‘right to life.’ The Trojan Horse is here in the UK.

JEFF ADAMS Bloomsbury, Swindon