ANNE Snelgrove MP transcends all form of sense and logic in her latest attempt to blame Swindon Borough Council for the wanton vandalism as evidenced in the damage caused to the Queens Drive Speed camera (SA, November 21). In her ill advised comment she suggests that the action of vandalising the camera was inevitable, this if nothing else, demonstrates her poor understanding of the English language. The definition of the word inevitable as an adjective is 'certainty to happen' or 'unavoidable', is Ms Snelgrove seriously suggesting that a decision to withdraw from the Speed Camera Partnership made the destruction of the camera 'certain to happen'?

I think that her comments speak more about her own character and suggest that she is looking for any political angle from which to attack the council. Indeed one could be forgiven for thinking that she is willing an incident to occur in order that she can piously declare 'I told you so'.

Coun Montaut offers a more thoughtful and honest approach which Anne Snelgrove MP would do well to emulate.

DES MORGAN Caraway Drive Swindon